Sunday, January 31, 2010

Boeing Museum of Flight

Some pictures from the camp at Boeing Museum of Flight which Joshua attended last summer with his buddy, Sam. This is Josh on the first morning of camp. I was lucky to get this picture at all, as he was in such a hurry to get inside and start camp.

After the first day of camp we did some exploring inside the Museum of Flight. Here is the future astronaut.

As we were leaving, the Blue Angels started to arrive. They were at Boeing Field during the week Josh was at camp practicing for Sea Fair in Seattle. We were lucky to see lots of flying that week!

Josh and Sam cooling off in the hotel pool after a hot day at camp. Seattle was having record breaking high temperatures during our visit.

I really like this statute that is outside one of the entrances of the Museum of Flight.

Some pictures of just a few of the many planes that are inside the Museum of Flight. This is such a great place to explore, and is definitely worth a visit when you are in Seattle!

Yup, this really is a flying car that was in limited production!

The kids ate their lunches outside, watching the planes land and take off at Boeing Field.

While most of the kids are trying to get an autograph from the Blue Angel pilot, note that Sam and Josh are still sitting at the picnic table. They were trying to decide what their first planes would be. (Josh wants a J3 Cub.)

Before we knew it, the week was up and it was time for the closing ceremony. Here we are in the auditorium waiting for Josh and Sam to go up on stage with their group.

Here's Josh on stage (tall one in the middle) for his group's closing. The boys had so much fun we hope to do this again this summer. We'll decide for certain once the Museum of Flight posts this summer's camp schedule.