Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Road Trip!

Although we were not drawn for a lottery pass to drive the 89 mile road into Denali National Park, we were fortunate enough to be given one by some friends to use (thanks Carney-Bravemans!). So, in the wee hours on September 15 (Josh got to miss school!) we left for the two hour drive to the park. It was extremely foggy in Fairbanks, so we were really doubtful how much the weather would cooperate. However, once we got to the park, the fog lifted, the clouds broke, and the sun came out! Here is one of the many antique cars we saw that were there to drive the road that day, although this one had to be the oldest!Then we saw our first mass of people, with tripods and telephoto lenses everywhere while folks were jockeying trying to get a picture of this bull moose. There was a park ranger there, trying to herd people back into their cars. (Ours was taken from inside the vehicle!)
Mt. McKinley was out in full glory for the first half of the day too!

For a total animal count, we saw 2 moose, 23 dall sheep, 15 caribou, 1 grizzly, 1 fox, 4 eagles, 9 ptarmigan, and lots of other little things running and flying around. Here are some of the sheep we saw:
At mile 62 we stopped at the new Eielson Visitor Center. It is in a fabulous spot, and is built into the hillside. This is a view from the front of the building:
Nearing the end of the road at mile 89 we passed through a brief rain shower by Wonder Lake, and then there literally was a rainbow at the end of the road!

It was a long day, and we saw many beautiful sights. The road is gravel, narrow, and a bit scary for those afraid of heights (no guardrails!), but I will certainly put in for the road lottery pass every year for now on. It was great to be able to have full access to this beautiful park!


aaslandmj said...

the park is beautiful with all the fall colors and animals.

Dana said...

Oh, man that picture of you and Josh needs to be blown up, what a great capture of the mountain - and yes, I plan on doing the lottery as well. Good time to meet up.

saskrip said...

It would be fun to have an Aasland family gathering in the park sometime. Believe me, there is something for everyone there!

saskrip said...

Dana -

For the 2009 and all future lotteries, the entry dates will be June 1-30. I noticed that the mailing date changed from the 2007 to 2008 lotteries, so as it gets closer to next June I'll check their site and find out the exact address to let you know. (I do have this calendared so I don't forget!)

Dana said...

Excellent, here's hoping one or some of us get in. How long have I lived here and never did that - crazy. Glen will bring the bear spray