Thursday, July 16, 2009

Phase II

Last weekend Josh was trying to enjoy a nice Ghiradelli chocolate bar with caramel filling....

...mmmm, that sure looks good!

The filling looks even better. He tried to keep it from dripping on the newspaper he was reading.

Now, are you wondering why I titled this post Phase II? Last week Josh had to have his second set of braces put on - Phase II as the orthdontist calls it. I dropped off Josh, and three (3!) hours later he was finally done and I picked him up. I had cautioned him to pick rubber band colors that he could live with for a while.
And the colors he chose?

Why, navy and gold in honor of the Blue Angels, who he'll soon get to see in a show at the camp he is going to at the end of the month at the Boeing Museum of Flight in Seattle and then get to personally meet. I am excited about it too as the families of the campers get to come to the air demonstration the Blue Angels will put on for the campers.
Josh looks like one happy camper already!

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