Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summer Reading

Josh loves to read. His first choice is anything involving aircraft or military history. He also loves novels, and lately has become a fan of Clive Cussler's books. At our recent trip to the library he picked out this fun book:

Yup - "A Dangerous Book for Dogs." Notice in the top right corner it does state "a paraody."

It was at this trip to the library that Josh was to pick up the prize he had won in association with the summer reading program. The librarian gave Josh a choice: he could either have a $10 gift card to the movie theater, showing him the gift card in a nifty Harry Potter envelope, or he could have a book bag and pick out a first run book that has not made its way to bookstores yet. Even though Josh thought the librarian said he could have the gift card OR the book bag OR the choice of a book, he choose this nifty book bag.

The the librarian reminded him to pick out his book, and Josh was surprised he got to have TWO things. This is the book he picked out:

Ah yes, pirates, another favorite thing for him to read about. On second thought, I cannot think of much that he does not like to read about. Which is why we'll go to the used book store to purchase quite a few books to take with us on our upcoming trip. Nothing is worse than having Josh run out of books to read on the plane!

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